

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Do not let our Mother shade Her tears for our sorry mistakes.

To everybody that is watching this: do not bother about what people around you say, you CAN save the world with your own hands. 

Since our arrival to this world, Mother Earth had given herself up to bear and feed us. She sheltered us and give us life. She showed us the beauty in life and taught us to love it. But what did we do to repay Her? 

We poisoned Her very Blood, burn the Hand that protect us from the glare of the sun, slashing away at the Lungs that sustained us. 

Is that what we humans are? Pieces of trash that are trying to kill our own Mother? And we dare call our self "intelligent beings"? Such irony! I`d say we`re too intelligent for our own good.

If you want to prove that you`re not the scum mentioned above, please please please do all you can to save Her. This world is dying. And with it, Us. 

I hereby implore anyone that is watching this, be it a beggar or a CEO of some flasy company, PLEASE do all you can to save this world. Every action you do, counts. So think before you throw anything away, because with the right action, you could save the world, or damn it for eternity.

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